Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tormenting the Tea Partiers

So there are some things that happen in Washington, DC. Things that happen nowhere else. I mean, apart from the lawmaking and the Air and Space Museum and all that other crap. No, I mean there are sometimes protests unlike anything seen elsewhere in the United States.

On August 28, 2010 hordes of conservative middle-Americans swarmed upon Washington DC to witness the wails (and woes) of Glenn Beck. BYT set out to show these partisan ponces how the locals felt about their presence in our fine city. Dressing as a pregnant devil and holding a sign that read "I Want A Sandwich" seemed the best way to befuddle these cretins -- we were met with a mixture of confusion, hostility, and... oh yeah, sandwiches (seriously, we were well fed).

Amazingly, we were picked up by a spate of awesome media sources scrambling to pick up on the ludicrousness of the event. The Huffington Post called us their "favorite attendee," Wonkette said we "baffled folks," and even the Atlantic Wire decided we were such an interesting story we deserved full coverage!





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wooow !