I shot Chris Coons (then a candidate, now Democrat U.S. Senator from Delaware) this past campaign season for some of his official campaign literature pieces. The senator from Delaware defeated the media lightning rod Christine O'Donell in a race that turned out to be a lot less close than people had imagined.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Chris Coons, US Senator from Delaware
I shot Chris Coons (then a candidate, now Democrat U.S. Senator from Delaware) this past campaign season for some of his official campaign literature pieces. The senator from Delaware defeated the media lightning rod Christine O'Donell in a race that turned out to be a lot less close than people had imagined.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Branding and Marketing photos for Altec Lansing
Throughout 2010 I have been working on creating some marketing and branding images for Altec Lansing (your iPod speaker dock--they probably made it). I took this set in July, my subjects are a group of dynamic and talented dancers--part of a DC-based dance crew called "Urban Artistry."
These are some of my favorite images from the night, please enjoy the photos, but please do not copy, reprint or republish. Thx!
(I recently went into Best Buy and saw one of my images on the side of the Altec "MuzX" headphones... )
All photos copyright Dakota Fine Photography. It is unlawful to print or use any of these photos without expressed written permission. In usage, all photos must be credited "Dakota Fine for for Altec Lansing." For inquiries about purchasing full rights for print without credit, please contact Dakota Fine at dakota@dakotafine.com.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tormenting the Tea Partiers
So there are some things that happen in Washington, DC. Things that happen nowhere else. I mean, apart from the lawmaking and the Air and Space Museum and all that other crap. No, I mean there are sometimes protests unlike anything seen elsewhere in the United States.
On August 28, 2010 hordes of conservative middle-Americans swarmed upon Washington DC to witness the wails (and woes) of Glenn Beck. BYT set out to show these partisan ponces how the locals felt about their presence in our fine city. Dressing as a pregnant devil and holding a sign that read "I Want A Sandwich" seemed the best way to befuddle these cretins -- we were met with a mixture of confusion, hostility, and... oh yeah, sandwiches (seriously, we were well fed).
Friday, January 29, 2010
3 photos in Washingtonian Magazine this month!

The photos are of three separate locations to go out in DC. The first is of The Velvet Lounge, a popular late night spot to see all kinds of local indie bands. The second is of the Fatback party at Liv, and the third is of Josephine Lounge, just off of K St downtown.
Click here to view as a PDF.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Happy (and a very BYT) 2010 Everybody!!
Had the utmost of fun this past New Years Eve celebrating with friends at BYT's New Years 2010: A Space Fantasy party at the Capitol Skyline Hotel.
Special effects provided thanks to Target LED headlamps I purchased for about $6 (thanks to Erica Denny for the tip!).
Thank you DC! (It's almost like I'm from here... ;)