The Dandy Warhols played the 930 Club this week. I was there to capture it in all its majesty.
Get the full BYT post here.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dandy Warhols @ 930 Club (9.22.08)
DC Concierge Relaunch Party (9.11.08)
I shot the DC Concierge Relaunch Party for Shana Glickfield. It was hosted at The Space. Party was fund, food was good, free booze even better.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Gray Matter (9.08.08)
On Monday evening I shot Gray Matter at the Black Cat. A DC original hardcore punk band from the 80's and early 90's DC punk scene, Dante Ferrando, owner of Cat DC's favorite indierock/punk venue, graced us with the opportunity to set up in his space to shoot a band portrait. My time with the band was limited due to their tolerance for photos, but we still seemed to work some things out.
BYT is running a feature on the band this week to promote their upcoming show celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Black Cat. The band is getting back together for the first time since 1993 to play the show.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Blow Up @ AFI (9.05.08)
BYT co-hosted the premier party for Antonioni's classic, Blow-Up, at the American Film Institute in Silver Spring. As a part of BYT's participation, and in honor of the photography theme of the movie, we put up black backdrop and some lights to snap portraits of movie-goers, just for fun.
Get the full BYT post here.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Nouveau Riche @ DC9 (8.30.08)
Victor gave me a ride to Nouveau Riche at the Rock 'n Roll Hotel, it was great, we listened to Daft Punk, which gets me ready to dance.
Okay, so, I have to say, I am a huge supporter of the Riche, and thusly I can say, this was not their best effort. I’ll chalk it up to a nasty combination of scheduling your party on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, and putting it at RNR, which is generally regarded by all as, “a pain in the ass to get to.” So let’s just say, the party was a little low energy. Compared to the dengue fever DC9 dance party I’m used to, I was disappointed.
Here’s what I’ll say, and please, weigh in here, agree or disagree, Nouveau Riche belongs at DC9. I think, if you wanna start a bigger, better, meaner, louder party at RNR, start something new. I hear “Nouveau Riche,” and automatically think of people hanging off the rafters of the nasty musty ceilings of DC9. There is a possibly unconscious association with sweaty, squirming debauchery that is nary replicated anywhere else. And I’m sorry, that’s Nouveau Riche to me, and it’s at DC9.
Ironically enough, I saw quite a few of the usual Nouveau Riche crowd Saturday night. They were attending the Loderunner show, at DC9.
Get the full BYT post here.
Loderunner @ DC9 (8.30.08)
Saturday night I attended the Loderunner show at DC9. Highlights included, when the crowd began chanting “Juno-60,” and when Libby bought me a can of Schlitz. Energy was in abundance, and Loderunner’s electro-rock was on point. As with the last time I saw them, the audience seemed to be very entertained.
Get the full BYT post here.
Blisspop/Tittsworth Record Release Party @ 930 Club (8.29.08)
Ok, so I know maybe the sexual innuendo here is not so subtle, and perhaps you might even object to the objectification of women or something, but before everyone gets there panties all in a bunch, consider this... all of these women did this voluntarily, no one was paid, everyone had a good time, and everyone ended up feeling great about themselves. Listen, everyone wants to feel sexy sometimes, I don't see anything wrong with that.
So yeah, party was awesome, incredible, fab. Annnnd... you can get the full BYT post here!