New York fireworks kick butt.
Friday, July 11, 2008
NYC: The Hunt @ The Randolph (7.03.08)
Travelled up to NYC for the 4th of July weekend to party with old friends. DJ Pierre Paulin held us down with his party The Hunt in Manhattan. Lots of San Francisco homies rolled through, a regular reunion...
Get the full BYT post here.
Spike Mendelsohn's Good Stuff Eatery (6.30.08)
Top Chef Chicago's Spike Mendelsohn has opened a new burger joint on Capital Hill in the district. It's called the Good Stuff Eatery. I had the pleasure of attending the press preview. The burgers were great, the family atmosphere was friendly, and the toasted marshmellow shakes were delicious.
Get the full BYT post here.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Seu Jorge @ Nat'l Geographic
Bliss @ Redeem (6.28.08)
Nouveau Riche @ 1223 (MCCXXIII) (6.28.08)
Nouveau Riche, in order to excel, must retain its grimy edgy funky appeal I think. The second it goes DC downtown club, the second it goes fizz. That being said the only reason it was at 1223 in the first place was because Club Five stayed shut down longer than expected due to the stabbing incident a couple months ago... whoops.
Git the other BYT post hurrrr...
Ladytron, TV on the Radio & Thievery Corporation (ft. Seu Jorge) @ Post Merriweather (6.28.08)
Ok, so here’s the 15 minute review of an awesome concert that deserves a much more thorough and thoughtful review…
Ladytron came on at 7pm, and while the audience filtered into Merriweather, these guys were up on stage jammin it out to a rather meager crowd. I spoke with the curly haired Ladytron (pictured below) backstage and she told me that the show the night before at Sonar had been much better… go figure, I’m sure the crowd was rowdy. But either way, they played a hot set, and they’re certainly hot, sooooo…
Git the full BYT post hurrrr...
Taxlo @ Sonar (6.27.08)
Friday night begged me for adventure. So like an overindulged fat girl on her sweet sixteen, I asked daddy for multi-layered (smash them) party cakes, and daddy delivered. Journeying to Sonar for an extreme Taxlo dance party experience promising a host of DJ’s including the illustrious (and always smiling) Stereofaith as well as a guest appearance from the ridiculously lovely Ladytron, we ran into some interference. Unfortunately, due to a shoot with Seu Jorge that ran overtime (for National Geographic Channel, sorry you won’t see those photos here…), and a horrendous accident on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway I missed the Ladytron set. Because though, Josh Sisk is such a absurdly sick photo beast, we have pretty pictures of pretty Ladytron for all you scandalous hyenas (come on, I know you’re just looking for more shots of tits). However, I caught both Seu Jorge and Ladytron the next day at Merriweather… these pictures you can check out in my next post.
So, Baltimore, here’s to you. Much love. Both to you and your leggy ladies.
Wizards Girl @ Blagden Alley
I haven't yet heard from Libby how the tryout actually went seeing as she's gone out of town, but if she looked half as good for them as she did for me, then I'd say she had a chance.
Blagden Alley, by the way, might just be the coolest place in DC. Apparently, it's one of the few remaining historic alleyways in DC, it's like a little city unto itself, awesome.
Git the full BYT post hurrrr...