Nouveau returned to DC9. Kids got live. Hotness, and by hotness, I mean the sweaty, sticky, abounded. As per ushe...
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Nouveau Riche @ DC9 (4.26.08)
Velodrome @ Selam (4.25.08)
B.rawk deBoss of Loderunner killing it on the gheetar. Friday night brought a saucefest at Selam on U St. The bartender/owner was charging 7 dollars for rail drinks... at a basement dive bar. Ugh. I had to let him know that wasn't cool. He comped me my drinks. That was cool.
Loderunner killed it.
Get the full BYT post here.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
White Denim @ 930 Club (4.23.08)
Although White Denim opened for Tapes N Tapes on Wednesday night, they're headlining on my blog because they kicked some serious butt. Their performance was by far the better of the two, despite the fact that White Denim is still relatively unheard of. In fact, one concert-goer shouted up to the band in the middle of the set, "what's the name of your band?" Promptly eliciting from the lead singer/guitarist, "what's the name of YOUR band?!?" He got some laughs.
Get the full BYT post here.
Tapes N Tapes @ 930 Club
Tapes N Tapes played 930 Club on Wednesday night along with White Denim.
Get the full BYT post here.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Profiled in the City Paper!
City paper... check me out. Profiled, now you know.
Check it out... me in the City Paper.Washingtonian Best Of Party @ The Park (4.22.08)
Washingtonian threw their Best Of party at “The Park” on 14th and K Tuesday night. Nothing like an open bar to attract swarms of yuppies. But seriously, they cut the open bar off at like 9.15 (the bartender swore to me it was 9, but I don’t believe her) and when I went back up to get a drink, they wanted to charge me 12 bucks! I mean, I guess I’m just not Park material or something, but puh-leaze...
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Spring Showers/Washington Pink
After some heavy rain this past weekend there was this awesome scene just up the street from where I live... I had to capture it. The pink blanket of flower petals covering the ground, beauty.
Monday, April 21, 2008
FLASH @ Jackie's Backroom (4.18.08)
88DC's latest incarnation FLASH took place at Jackie's Backroom in Silver Spring on Saturday night. Thanks to founder/creator David Fogel, the wheels on this bus draw artistic types from the DC metro area for events catering to the design oriented. This party featured two screens onto which the organizers had projected on one side the shots you see here, and on the other some design elements from the resident designer for the night. There were at least three DJs in attendance spinning an assorted mix of beats, dancing was lively...
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Friday, April 18, 2008
Brazilian Night @ St. Ex (4.17.08)
Patrick K. of Ra Ra Rasputin was celebrating his birthday at St. Ex last night, gotta give it up to anyone who puts up a three day event on facebook to celebrate his day of birth. DJ extraordinaire Neal Becton was spinning his eclectic mix of Brazilian rhythms, and the mojitos were being consumed... or were they caipirinhas? (I can't spell that, nor can I tell the difference...)
The dance party was hot. Happy birthday Patrick.
Get the full BYT post here.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Portraits w/ Shana Glickfield
DC's very own "concierge," Shana Glickfield, stopped in for a few snaps... and proceeded to melt my camera.
The New Pornographers @ The 930 Club
The New Pornographers blew into town... their stage presence I thought, left something to be desired. I had first 3 songs at this one, and I missed the first three songs. I had to take pictures like a ninja, and then the staff had to ask me to stop. Not my finest moment.
Get the full BYT post here.
Transatlantic @ DC9 (4.12.08)
Transatlantic dance-o-rama reigned supreme once again. Made some new friends, had a good time.
See the full BYT post here.
U.S. Royalty, Tiger City & VHS or Beta @ RNR (4.11.08)
Holy smokes. US Royalty, gonna be famous. Ya heard it here ferst.
Get the full BYT post here.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Yeasayer @ The Cat (4.10.08)
Yeasayer, holy smokes, so awesome live. Unfortunately, as per usual, the lighting inside the Black Cat, not awesome, crappy dim red light throughout. Oh well.
Get the full BYT post here.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Shorts II @ Asylum (4.10.08)
Get the full BYT post here.
I mean, the picture says it all. Nothing more.
Portraits w/ Chris Bernstein
My good friend Chris Bernstein recently departed for Iraq (no, he's not in the military, as he puts it, he works for the military industrial complex)... I had the special pleasure of shooting some portraits of him before he left.
Late Night @ Jimmy Valentine's (4.04.08)
I just had to post these shots because even though they were for nothing in particular, I wanted to share. That is all.
Holy smokes, the boys from U.S. Royalty, this band is soooo hot, you heard it here first.